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A Letter to My Phone

Dear Mobile Phone,

As far as mobile phones go, I absolutely love you. I believe I have never held such an esteem for a piece of technology as I hold for you. Mobile phone of mine, you have never disappointed me.

As far as mobile phones go, you are ridiculed by others. This is likely because as far as mobile phones go, you are a senior citizen. Who uses a flip phone anymore? Who has to suffer the indignity of pressing the number two three times to add the letter "C" to a text message? Who has to apologize to friends who send emoji graphics because they show up on the low-res screen as featureless, blank squares? Who doesn't have a touch-screen? Who doesn't "have an app for that"?

Me. I have you. And as far as mobile phones go, you're a keeper. You've outlived so many other things. You're a trooper. Although I don't take photographs with you these days, you are still willing, able, and ready. You still tell accurate time, you still have a working calendar, still keep a list of frequently-called numbers, still allow me to add new ones, still allow me to edit women's entries in my contact list to "do not answer." And you don't judge, don't ask questions, don't complain.

Oh yeah, and you let me make actual phone calls too.

If you were a person, you'd be my favourite uncle. From now on, I will call you Uncle Floyd, as a memorial.



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